
Creating Eastern European Network for Non Formal Adult Education

The active members of adult education organisations from Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus met 2011 November 1-2 in Kaunas Lithuania for the seminar “Creating Eastern European Network for Non Formal Adult Education and Exchanging of Gained Experience”. Totally 15 participants from five countries in different ages and with different background was the perfect base for learning from each other.

Many organizations, in the Eastern part of Europe, are nowadays familiar to the Scandinavian way of the Study Circle method. Very often these organizations have developed the methodology in project cooperation, or in other ways, with SV in Sweden.

Even so, ll these organizations have adopted the methodology in different ways, depending on country culture, different traditions and the present environment for the implementation of the Study circles and other connected Non Formal Education activities. 

We have now indeed noticed a need for future cooperation and for continues exchanging of experience between all of us. Because of that we now invite partners from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Sweden, Denmark and Russia to start this exchanging of experience, and we will also discuss if and how to create a useful network in this matter for the future.

During two day of work in Kaunas we have agreed on future cooperation plans, such as exchange useful study plans and study circle guidelines in English that can be used also in other countries and organizations. The international summer camp for study circle leaders is planned for 2012 summer.

List of presentations and mutual work documents can be downloaded here:
SV presentation
Study Circles Resource Program
Results of discussions
Lennart Falegård Summing

List of participating organisations of the Network with contacts:

Liberalt Oplysningsforbund                               per@lof.dk

Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan                            lennart@sv.se

Association for Civic Education                         velichko.alena@gmail.com

Socialiniu investiciju valdymo centras                 uztaika@gmail.com
+ 6

Center “Egida”                                                 rimus65@mail.ru

WURC, Lviv                                                    levko33@hotmail.com


Suaugusiųjų švietimo grupės atsiras kalėjime

Socialinių investicijų valdymo centras bendradarbiaudamas su Šiaulių tardymo izoliatoriumi pradėjo kurti praktinio suaugusiųjų švietimo grupes tarp nuteistųjų. Kaip sakė projekto koordinatorė Šiaulių mieste Elona Jasinauskienė: „Turime griauti mus kaustančius stereotipus ir dirbti su visomis grupėmis, kurioms reikalinga švietimo pagalba. Žmonės, kurie yra šuo metu kalėjime dėl praeityje padarytų klaidų dabar aktyviai siekia žinių ir mes norime padėti jiems tai daryti.“
Šiuo metu Šiaulių tardymo izoliatoriuje pradėjo veikti pirmoji praktinio švietimo grupė, kurios tikslas — parengti būsimų nuteistųjų grupių lyderius. Rugpjūčio pabaigoje lankydamiesi Šiaulių tardymo izoliatoriuje Skandinavijoje paplitusį švietimo metodą pristatė Socinvest ekspertai Martynas Norbutas ir Tomas Tomilinas.


Sweden and SV hosted Polish, Lithuanian and Norwegian partners

Locadeamia team and project learners met April 10-13 in Sweden, Kunalv. It was a big groups of 18 people from 4 countries. Kungalv is a small town north of Geteborg with stunning views on castle and Kings river in the place where old border of Norway and Sweden met. We spent great time in Adult school on a big hill with traditions of many decades. The first evening when we met was sad because of April 10 Polish tragedy... Our first day was dedicated on sharing on local project activities, discussion on adult education policies and immigrant involvement in study circles in Scandinavia. During the second day we were split into 5 groups and visited local SV branches. We saw and experienced real Scandinavian study circles at work! The last day we discussed the next meeting in Oslo (June 5-6) and project evaluation plan.

Locademia meeting in Kunglav, Sweden

Visiting local SV branch

Long way home by car and ferry


Programme for the Locademia project: Workshop in Kungälv, Sweden April 10-13, 2010

Saturday, April 10:

Polish participants arrives to Landvetter International airport 18.45. Picked up.
Norwegian participants arrives by public bus
Lithuanian participants arrives by prvate bus
Swedish participants arrives at 18.30 or earlier
19.30 Dinner together, Opening ceremonies. Programme information,

Sunday, April 11:

08.30 Breakfast
09.00 Information about the place we are at, school and about Nordic countries cooperation (Contribution from the school Management).
10.00 SV-presentation                                                          - Lennart, Miriam
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Locademia Workshop. Separate agenda.                       - Tomas
12.00 Lunch
13.00 SV activities about diversity and immigrants                  - Hasoon
14. 00 Cont. workshop discussions, planning sessions.            - Tomas, Beata
18.00 Bus/walking sightseeing in Göteborg and surroundings
20.30 Dinner (Late return back to Kungälv)

Monday, April 12:               

08.00 Breakfast
08.30 Car transports to different SV local branches. (Separate programmes for each sub group/couple).
           Return to Kungälv at about 18.00, Snacks.
19.00 Dialogue and follow up from the local visits

Tuesday, April 13:

Departure for Polish participants at 04.45
08.00 Breakfast
08.30 Summing up meeting for the project issues. Closing ceremonies.
12.00 Lunch, Departure for all


Locademia international team met in Wroclaw

The meeting of Locademia team in Wroclaw in December 2009 was a great opportunity to discuss the local experience of Locademia (see presentation of project director about local experience in Lithuania) and concept of new Locademia web-site and virtual study circle facilities. The next meeting is planned in April in Sweden.

Beata is Happy

Seminar in on

Christmas is soon



December, 2009

30 November - Monday

1st December - Tuesday
9.00 to 13.00 Local experience of Locademia project
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 to 17.00 Local experience of Locademia project
18.00 Common dinner

2nd December – Wednesday
9.00 to 13.00 - Locademia website and virtual study circle concept
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 to 17.00 Future plans of Locademia

3rd December - Thursday
Sightseeing, visit to local organization or departure